Reach Us At:

Kripa Social Welfare Services

Diocese of Ujjain

+91 734 2512144


Health & Hygiene

Since its inception, Kripa has been dedicated to the well-being of communities, especially women and children. It organizes discussions and classes on topics such as tuberculosis, adolescent health, malnutrition, health and hygiene, drug de-addiction, and government health schemes, including those related to HIV/AIDS, institutional delivery, and antenatal and prenatal care. Kripa also encourages vegetable cultivation for self-sufficiency and has formed 113 adolescent groups to provide health education to girls.

Kripa works with severely malnourished children to improve their health and operates Saathi, a unit focused on HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and welfare. Saathi supports over 2,500 registered individuals, with 400 receiving direct benefits such as IP and OPD services and nutritional supplements. It is in contact with 61 infected and 164 affected children, providing them educational support. Through the Prevention of Mother to Child HIV Transmission Programme, Saathi has helped 31 pregnant women deliver HIV-negative children.

Saathi has formed 12 self-help groups for infected individuals and conducts awareness programs for the public, including students and truck drivers. Rapid test programs are held to identify new HIV cases, with suspected individuals taken to ICTC for further testing. Those who test positive receive counseling and assistance in registering at ART centers for treatment. Each year, Saathi identifies over 80 new cases through rapid tests and helps infected individuals access government schemes.