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Kripa Social Welfare Services

Diocese of Ujjain

+91 734 2512144


Bhopalpura Road

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If people are determined and committed then they will make desirable changes in their life and in the community where they live. Bhopalpura village has a population of 188 with 38 families having different castes like Gurjer and Harijan. Agriculture is the main source of income in the village. All the people in the village were very busy with their own business and they did not think about their contribution for the development of their village. Participation of people in good governance was nil. People were unorganised and lack of leadership and pressure group caused many of the developmental programmes in the villages. Different local issues existed in the villages but lack of interest did not permit the people to find solutions for these issues like scarcity of good drinking water, road, unemployment, etc. Kripa has stepped into this village in the year 2012 with an aim of organising and capacitating the people in the villages to ensure the participation of community members for the development of their village.


Kripa staff met the community members & PRI Members and explained to them why Kripa is in their village. Clearing their doubts, staff could make a favourable atmosphere in the village for the work. Staff started the work with community mobilisation by forming CBOs and capacitating the community members. The effort of the staff could make changes in the attitude and thinking of the people. People have identified four leaders among them and formed Core Group to work for the development of their villages in the month of August 2014. People have identified some issues and started to work on those issues like scarcity of water, demand for houses under Prime ministers Awas Yojna, RCC of roads inside the village.  They have taken in the issues one by one. First time people attended the Gram Sabha on 26 January 2014 with their common problem. Thereafter on 14th April, 15 august, 2nd October 2014 local leaders attended the gram sabha meetings. Gradually some of their demands like digging of new bore-well, construction of houses under prime minister's Awas Yojna, RRC of roads inside the village were met by the Gram Panchayat. Community members under the leadership of local leaders have developed a village development plan identifying 16 issues and prioritising five among the sixteen issues. Main issue taken up by them was a road from Bhopalpura to Narsingargh. This road was unconstructed or muddy road. People were facing difficulties to move to Kotra, Narsingrh and other places during the rainy season. Transportation was not possible during the rainy season. Lot of struggle they have to face. Hence they approached the Gram Sabha for the maintenance of the road. Village Panchayat expressed their difficulty to repair the road with bolder and by constructing bridges since the road was through the forest. People took the issues to public hearing there to SDM, collector, MLA and chief minister’s office. During their efforts they found that road from Bhopalpura to Narsingargh, in some places land was encroached by some families. In their effort community members of other villages also extended their support because the proposed road was the only means for them to reach their village. Constant, persistent and daring effort of the people found positive results at least with the full support of Collector, SDM, Patwari and police department. Encroachment was released from the farmers and land was made free to make the road. People’s effort became fruitful when the administration repaired the road with bolder and soil. Panchayat has spread 840 trolleys and 200 dumpers of bolder and soil in these three kilometres of area. People are happy and tell such initiative helped them to have brought more unity among themselves and they have received support of other villages too because issues was related to them.