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Kripa Social Welfare Services

Diocese of Ujjain

+91 734 2512144


Praveen got a Job

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Mr. Praveen Dule Singh Parmar was a dropout youth who stopped his B.E civil course due to financial problems. His family was unable to pay the fee hence he had to stop his studies. He was 26 years when Kripa met him in his village. He is the eldest boy in the home.  He used to go for daily wage to assist the family to meet the day to day needs.  Mr. Radheshyam Baghela, the animator, as part of his duty used to visit the target villages to mobilise the community through formation of Community Based Organisations and capacity building programmes. He has formed self help groups and farmers groups in the village and organised different training programmes for the community on different topics like Gram Sabha, government schemes, livelihood etc. During his village visits he came in contact with Mr. Praveen Dule Singh Parmar. The Animator informed him about the Employment schemes and employment camp that was going to be organized with the collaboration of the Government employment department.


As Mr. Praveen Dule Singh Parmar was guided he prepared himself to attend the employment camp and attended the camp. He was selected by the LIC Company.  He was trained by the company which took the exam at a later stage. He has won the exam and became an agent of the company.  This Job was very much helpful to improve the financial status of his family. He too started to work in RTO and in the meantime he became the subscriber of SBI and he opened a computer center. At present he is working under the pradhan mantri Digital Sakchartha mission. Mr. Praveen is very happy and grateful towards the Kripa Social Welfare Society. He acknowledges that because of Kripa what he is, and now his monthly income is Rs. 20000/. Mr. Praveen got a new way of employment and now he became the instrument to give ray of hope for the many unemployed boys who are in search of jobs.